Ensure that your call center workforce is effective, successful and consistently delivering outstanding customer service. Use the “Monitor” feature to listen in on an active call and identify problems quickly and while listening use “Whisper” to speak with the agent without the caller knowing, or “Call Barge” to speak with the agent and the caller.
Automatic Call Distribution system helps keep customers on the line by routing incoming calls to the agent with the most suitable skill-set who can address the caller’s needs properly. ACD is a very important component of a call center and communication system. Some of its capabilities include Priority Routing, First In – First Out (FIFO), Queue Call-back, Call Monitor, Call Barging and more.
Ezeetel Contact Center Wallboards provide the information for all your agents in real time. Data is presented in a way that is easier to read and helps measure the call center performance. Wallboards keep Agents informed with all call center activities while allowing them to remain focused on their own tasks.